Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs About RCS

What services does RCS provide?

RCS provides X-ray garment (also known as lead apron) management services.

A service contract includes cleaning & sanitization, complimentary repairs, inventory management (RADCOMPLY), and annual inspections (X-ray scanning). Additionally, we offer garment disposal services and sell new X-ray garments & RPE.

We strive to be the one place you go to for all of your X-ray garment needs.

What is the process RCS uses to clean and sanitize lead aprons?

We perform our proprietary, multi-step servicing process, which is broken into two stages: cleaning and sanitization. The two stages are recommended by regulatory bodies such as the CDC.

Learn more here.

How does RCS ensure the safety and effectiveness of cleaned aprons?

According to regulatory bodies such as the CDC, cleaning is necessary before sanitization. We use ATP testing to confirm the garments are clean and free of living organic material before sanitizing the clean surface using agents that exceed a 3-log kill ratio.

Why can’t hospitals clean X-ray garments themselves?

Hospitals don’t have the time, staff, or space to properly service their inventories. Cleaning X-ray garments is not a simple process and, according to the AORN and the CDC, using sanitizing wipes alone will not adequately eliminate microorganisms on a dirty surface. We have worked closely with both organizations in developing our process and have carefully followed their recommendations to create best practices for cleaning X-ray garments.

What are the turnaround time for lead garment service?

Once your garments reach our facility, servicing takes 72 hours or less. Note that additional transit time may apply depending on your location.

Can RCS handle large volumes of orders from hospitals and clinics?

Yes! If it makes sense, we can also build a custom enterprise program for your healthcare organization.

How does RCS handle repairs on damaged lead aprons?

All cosmetic repairs are complimentary as part of our service offering. We cannot perform repairs over the protective attenuation material.

Does RCS offer pickup and delivery services?

Yes! We offer white glove pickup and delivery. Ask your RCS representative for more information.

What are the costs associated with RCS services?

RCS offers service contracts, which include cleaning, sanitization, repairs, inventory management, and annual X-ray scans for all garments under contract. The price is based on the number of garments in your facility.

Can RCS provide references or testimonials from other clients?

Absolutely. Ask your RCS representative.

What sets RCS apart from other lead apron cleaning and inspection services?

We’re the first and only company in the nation to provide a comprehensive platform for X-ray garment management. Our cleaning and sanitization process goes beyond any of our competitors, using sanitization agents that exceed a 3-log kill ratio. We’ve spent the last decade developing and improving our processes to ensure healthcare providers are safe when wearing X-ray protection.

How do I stay operational while my garments are being serviced?

RCS provides temporary loaner garments so there is no disruption in the continuum of care. Our temporary garments are cleaned, tagged, and X-ray scanned to ensure your staff is protected while we service your inventory.

What if my facility is not in Indiana?

We’ve got you covered. RCS supports facilities from New York to California and everywhere in between! We service customers with our dedicated shipping and operations team that provides RCS shipping totes and replacement garments.

How does a hospital know that RCS services are effective?

We let the numbers speak for themselves. RCS follows a rigorous multi-step quality assurance check on every garment to ensure it has been properly cleaned and is safe to wear. We provide our customers with before and after images including RLU results so they’re confident in the PPE they wear.

How can I schedule a service or get a quote from RCS?

Contact us by filling out this form or calling (317) 755-2904.